Elements of Logo Design
Herb Luballin
The shape of this logo creates interest because the title creates a picture of a child being protected by the mother. The "O" in 'MOTHER' has a little "&" sign inside of it, making it look like a child. This sign also serves as the title, which is "Mother and Child". This logo is made in black and white, simplifying it, and drawing the attention to the picture of the child. There is a contrast in the scale, because the word "Mother" is in large, bold letters, and the word child, is in smaller letters. This indicates the physical size difference between a woman and an infant. Also, the child, is inside the word "mother", indicating that it is being protected. I think the logo is easily understood. It is very simple, and the & sign serves as a double meaning.
Guo Chunning: Beijing 2008 Olympics
This logo is advertising the Beijing 2008 Olympics. The designer made the top Chinese character look like a person running, bringing ideas of sports and Chinese culture together. Also, the font that says "Beijing 2008" looks like calligraphy, and brings a very Asian feel to the overall logo. I think the colour conveys meaning because this shade of red, is very popular in Chinese culture. In the top, the red serves as a positive space, in contrast to the person created with the negative space. The same shade of red is repeated in one of the olympic rings below. The scale creates meaning, since the red character is the biggest, drawing attention to it first. The logo is fairly simple, and mixes the concepts of the olympics with Chinese culture to create a new message.

This logo also uses shapes within the letters to create a message. There is an 'a' in the shape of a penguin, and below it say the words 'antarctica'. It is a fairly simple idea, but at the same time very creative. the colors black and white, the colours of a penguin. Also, the words are in white, conveying ideas of snow and cold, such as antarctica. The logo of the penguin is larger than everything else, emphasizing it more.